Death penalty for rapists in India - Just a Discussion
How can we punish the rapists apart from death ? Yes, let’s discuss in detail. Before discussing about this, we should understand why the women are still not safer in India ? Why the sexual violence is still persists in India ? The Justice verma committee, suggested some points that why the rapists are doing the criminal actions. They just, recommended amendments against some loopholes in the law and order. The points which are brought light by the JVC are :- On rape of security agencies, and the principle of “ command responsibility” :- The JVC report made an amendment to the article, in which they have mentioned about the rapes done by the security forces. In case, the rape does take place in the custody place, they recommended that superior office be held responsible along with the junior officer, who committed the criminal. On the rape committed by the Public servants :- And they have recommended that, there is no prior sanction be required to try pub...