Day 2 Psychology Test
PT is conducted on the day 2 of the S.S.B.
In PT procedure, series of assessments are conducted and each is of different types which reveals our personality clearly to the psychologist. In this, a candidate should be true to himself/herself so that it will be easy for you perform well in the PT and also easy for the psychologist to evaluate our personality.
Let we come about the assessments in five day process,
i) Thematic Appreciation Test - TAT.
ii) Word Association Test - WAT.
iii) Situation Reaction Test - SRT.
iv) Self Description.
Thematic appreciation is a projection in which a candidate is shown up a series of picture on that the candidate has to put up his own individual views(stories). i.e. A hazy(unclear) series of 11 + 1 picture are shown to the candidates where the candidate has to write down a story for the picture. The 12 th picture is the empty picture in which the candidate has to imagine a situation and write a story according to that. This is also called as imagination process, as this may be used to stimulate the thoughts of future ambitions etc. i.e. A candidate want to do in his future etc.
The hazy picture shown may be of different real life situation i.e. a person aged 21 might have come across of different situations in life(easy, social adaptation extra curricular, adventures, challenging, etc). These pictures remember the candidates the hidden thoughts. By these things the psychologist assess the character of the candidate and map these with the PIQ which we filled on the screening day. Then they make a clear view about our personality. These document will be forwarded to the personal interviewing(PI) officer and GTO so that they cross check with our reactions in GTO and PI whether we are truthful with our replies and actions.
Example stories with pictures click here
Protocols to write the story:-
There are about 12 pictures are shown to the candidates in a big auditorium, in which 11 are hazy one i.e. not clear which interprets differen views for different persons and the last one is empty picture. There fore totally 12 pictures were shown. The hazy pictures were shown to us for 30 seconds to think a story and time given to write the story is 3-4 minutes.
Data given in the picture for writing the story:-
The picture consists of a hero, different environmental situations, different characters etc. If there is no hero, then we have to create a hero of our age and same sex.
Important parts of a story:-
The story should consists of a hero, social environment in which the hero acts, other characters and the main theme or core / concept of the story.
Tips for creating a hero in the story:-
The hero of the story should be of same age/sex as the story writer / candidate. Also we have to give a name for the hero of the story. As this shows that how the candidate is putting himself to the story and react. This clearly shows the psychologist to get our attitude towards different stories and they easily take our officer like qualities.
Also the hero should find a solution for the problem in the story and he should not be a cause for the problem.
The work done by the hero of the story should be as a normal good energetic youth and should not be like a great super star hero.
The important point is the story should be positive. This is very important in the whole process what ever, all the things done by us should be positive. Be optimistic by nature.
Friends and Supportive characters in the story:-
In a story if it is related to a team work and organising theme, it requires a group of friends or supportive character, for this create a group of friends and no need to give name for these friends or supportive characters.
Core of the story:-
The core of the story is how the hero is acting for the situation, how the hero is using the materials in the picture, how the hero is extracting the works from the team or friends, etc. This is the middle part of the story.
Also in the TAT story the protocol followed is three:-
i) what led to the situation( 2-3 lines)
ii) what is happening in the situation( 4-5 lines)
iii) what is the outcome of the situation.(1-2 lines)
Writing a story( Be postive and result should be postive):-
In the starting of the story, give a introduction to the hero, as he is named ....... doing this etc. then give a challenging or problamatic situation in the introduction scene.
In the middle of the story give a broad view of the hero to solve that problem along with resources available to him in that environment and how he uses that
resources effectively.
In the final end of the story, give the outcome of the story. And no need to praise the hero at the end of the story.
For more TAT pictures to practice click here
To practicing various TAT - pictures click here .
Do's and Dont's for Writing the story:-
Write the story in the past ( as this shows that you are implementing your real life experience in the given situation(picture))
Give a small and legible name for the hero.
Avoid stereo type stories( writing all stories related to army, navy, airforce etc as it doesnt look natural).
Give some risks and adventures to the hero and it should be of some real life one. Dont give the hero a situation where a supeman can do.
The Hero should lead the story towards a positive outcome by overcoming the problems. The rest of the friends or team members should only follow him.
Make all pictures positive one, even though it is given in negative convert it to positive and write the story. Be optimistic in your views.
Avoid giving morals or advice at the end of the story.
Also dont waste your time by describing what is happening in the picture.
How to write a negative story to positive one?
If you find in a picture that two people are fighting , the write the story as he is a boy named Ram and aged 22 etc. he is a state level light weight boxing champion. While preparing for his national level eligibility exam last year he got injured in his ankle. Later he cured it and prepared well in advance for this year national level boxing competition. So by his proper planning and preparation he won the championship.
Like this if we see two guys fighting with each other may remember a scenario where two persons are fighting in streets, but we should be optimistic in our views and also write the story in same manner.
Giving Title to the story:-
As this varies from one board to another board, follow the psychologist advice.
Thematic Appreciation Examples:-
Kumar was a newly grduated engineering graduate. He was waiting for the bus to go to the meeting station. He prepared well and started his journey earlier for the meeting. While waiting for the bus in bus stop he suddenly saw a old man fainted in the bus stop. Seeing that Kumar came forward and helped that man by giving some water to drink and stopped the vehicle crossing the road to take him to the hospital. Kumar engaged one of the man who helped him at that time to take that person to the hospital and then he marched to the meeting at time. After attending the meeting well, then he rushed to the hospital to see the fainted person. Kumar was happy after two days that he got good news after two days that he got good results in the meeting results and also that person also got well soon.
Explanation of the story:-
Introduction:-In this we are mentioning the hero of the story as male aged nearly 22 to 24. i.e. a newly graduated engineer like us. Then we are mentioning that he is going to meeting well in advance with proper preparation. This shows that the hero is good in his planning and execution.
Core of the story:-Also he is helping a fainted man even at the time of meeting. Then he is engaging a person from that group to take to the hospital, this shows that he is having the ability to extract work from the group. Then he also attending the meeting at time, this shows that he is succeeding at his action.
Conclusion:-Later he see that person by going to the concerned hospital, this shows responsibility of the hero.
Like this we have to approach the story.
For more TAT pictures to practice click here
Fore more solved examples for TAT pictures click here
WAT - :-
WAT is also one of the projection technique used by the psychologist to find the personality of the candidate. Different type of real life usage words are shown to the candidates by which candidate imagination is shown in his response. So the psychologist easily found the views of the candidates on different words, such as his emotional responses, how that word is registered in his mind.
WAT is used to the find the emotional stability or responses, this is a process to find the attitude of a person.
Procedure for Writing the WAT:-
A series of 60 words are shown in the projector, the words are real life situation words and regular usage words and we have to give a meaningful response to those words. The response should be postive one.With the help of our response the psychologist assess our attitude with the help of our PIQ(social back ground) what we likes and dislikes, views on social status, and different environments. Dont worry and dont confuse more about WAT, write the positive sentence and response should reveal honesty, friendly, liveliness, i.e. it shows all the olq - officer like qualities of the candidates.
Protocols to write the WAT:-
60 words are shown in a sequence and time given to respond is 15 seconds. Within which we have to write a positive response to the word. The psychologist call for serial number for each word, also you people should be careful in marking the response for the correct serial number.
Negative Words in WAT:-
Negative words are also given in the WAT, in which the candidate has to approach it positively and have to show their knowledge in that.
Eg. Sex - Sex ratio in kerala is more.
Impossible - Proper planning of word makes impossible outcome to possible.
Like this approach the words positively. If you try to approach every word positively then it easily shows your olq's to the psychologist.
WAT words solved examples click here
Tips for writing the WAT:-
- Its not necessary that the word shown should be a part of th sentence and or else starting of the sentence.
- Avoid proverbs
- Show your knowledge and response
- Avoid advices by using words such as should, could, would, etc
- If you dont get any idea for a word, better leave it empty since writing anything negatively creates bad impression for you.
- The handwritng should be legible and good.
- The words can be used as in verb form, noun, adjective and adverb.
- Use the responses to be in past and present, avoid the future as it shows imaginary.
SRT is followed after the WAT. The time between these process is of maximum 10 minutes. The give a question paper and a separate answer sheet for our responses. The space given for single answer is 2 to 3 lines only. So we have to write our reaction precise and good. SRT is nothing but our response to different life situations. What they expect in SRT is to be practical and the candidate should win over every situation in a normal practical manner. They dont expect the candidate to be a hero or like spiderman to achieve everything like a super hero. So the reaction should be normal, worthful and reliable.
From our child hood to our adult (ages 22-25) we may come across different tough or easier situations, Like that same situations are given in the question booklet. We have to write down our response in the given answer sheet. The total number of questions is 60 and the total time given for the SRT is 30 minutes.
So the time for each question is 30 seconds on an average. So our response, handwriting must be good.
The important tool to answer the SRT well is our presence of mind. My piece of advise i.e how to practice SRT is while reading daily news paper you may read different situations on news. Just put yourself to those situations and analyse how you will react like that. By these note down your reactions and check the qualities(OLQ). Why iam telling this means, even if a candidate has less common sense in the situation of emergency, by practising like this he may acquire those things. So this practice is useful for common life also.
The respone varies from different age persons in these type of PT. So they expect our maturity of thought in our replies. Out of 60 questions atleat try to do minimum of 40 questions. Try to do maximum but with good quality. Since in the selection process the Quality matters and not the quantity.
Approach every situation with right personality(good attitude). Just show yourself as positive and never show any type of fear in those situations. Since in defence life they dont want a person having fear and negative mentality.
THEO in SRT - Sometimes, A imaginary character is created in the SRT questions and the candidate has to put themself in the place of THEO and have to react to the situations.
Eg:- THEO wins a lottery of 1 crore. What he will do?
Reaction : Gives the required money to his father, and saves some money for future business and savings. Give the remaining money for the Prime Minister Relief Fund.
Analysis of the Reaction: In this the candidate first put himself in the place of 'THEO'. Then how he reacts is , i.e. the candiate shows himself as a responsible candidate by helping his father and future savings. Also he is giving remaining money to the prime minister fund, as this shows he is having national spirit and helping tendancy. Like this the psychologist will note down your qualities.i
Important:- The time constraint is important in this process, so the candidate has to think and work fastly as soon as possible. Practice well with various real life situations as i told earlier, then surely you will get enough time to respond to the situation.
Important Tips for SRT:-
- Use telegraphic key words to answer the sentence as this saves time.
- Dont respond more elaborately, respond precisely in a manner i.e. the psychologist can understand.
- Dont lose in any situation , the candidate should not lose in any situation, so write logic response in which candidate should win in every situation.
- Also dont jump from one question to next, some people say answer the first you feel easy. But its absolutely wrong , Why iam saying is an armed officer wont switch from one tough situation to another easy one, he has to win in every situation. So answer all in a sequence and dont jump.
- Try to keep in mind, the quality is matter and not the quantity. So give priority to quality of the reaction than the quantity. But try to maximum i.e. more than 40.
- Some situations may be repeated i.e. the meaning of the question is same but the way asked is vary. So be constant in your thoughts and responses.
- Show all your good(OLQ) qualities. Dont show cowardness or fear. Be positive in your reaction.
- All his family members are ill and his father is out of town. There is no money in the home. What he will do........
- He doesn't find a interesting subject to study so he
- On opening the door of his bathroom in his room he finds a big snake hanging from the ceiling. he...
- He returns late in night from N.C.C camp. His step mother doesn't allow him in. He........
Self Description is the last in the PT(Day-2). Self description is nothing but putting ourself in the view of ourself and in the view of our close ones(parents, teacher, friends). The time given for this process is 15 minutes. So in this process also the candidate should be fast by mind and also by hand writing.
Try to keep margin in the left side of the answer sheet and write neatly, as why iam telling is the personal interviewing(PI) officer will read this before we enter into the panel. As I told earlier, he just cross checks our Self Description by triggering various types of question in the PI. So write it neatly.
The main description of this processis we have to write about ourself i.e. what we are thinking about ourself., about our parents, friends and teachers i.e. what we are thinking about our parents, teachers and freinds.
Also the vice versa, what our parents, teachers, friends think about you.
For the working professionals, they will order us to write like, write what your co-workers or boss think about you. ( the working professionsl have to write this instead of teachers).
Let we come to the scene, The psychologist commands the students as
- Write about yourself, your strength, weakness
- Write about your parents
- Write about your teachers
- Write about your friends
- What you parents will say about you
- What your friends will say about you
- What your teacher will say about you
- What your friends will say about you
- Write about yourself
Preparation for Self Description:-
- Since it is like an released question paper before an exam, ask your parents, good friends, teachers about you and write it in a good paragraph.
- Try to write those set of paragrahs with in the stipulated time (10-15 mins)
- Also you think and write the good points about your parents, teachers and freinds.
- Spend more time in writing the own self description about yourself and find the right positive and negative points about you.
- Try to do some works to overcome those negative points. Since the IO may ask you in the PI that what are the things you are doing to overcome your short comings.
- Try to give the correct information about you. Dont bluff or tel lies. As it lowers your chance of getting selected.
- Dont waste time by telling more about your native, school and all. Try to show your true character in this.
Self Opinion:-
I am optimistic, candid, responsible boy. I want to do my things successfully. I am confident with my thinking and analysis that i can able to convince my surroundings with my points. I used to do exercise regularly to keep myself fit. The game now iam playing is table tennis. My hobbies are blogging. I want to satisfy my surrounding people upto my extent and want to keep them happy.
Things i want to improve is , i want to develop my technical skills, also iam working on that now by putting extra time
Friends Opinion:-
My friends say me as practical person as i put forward my points as outspoken. They feel happy and secured when iam with them, since i can able to handle situations easily. They like my helping tendancy in education and all.
Teachers Opinion:-
My teacher say me as an above average student in studies and good at obedience. Also they like my participating attitude in extra curricular activities. They say that iam good at mathematics and lovable person at class as i have lot of friends.
Parents Opinion:-
My parents say me as responsible boy as i support my family after degree by going to job and also they have a lot of affection over me for giving them a good name in the society. They have belief over me that i wiill achive my aim to become a officer in armed forces, and they are giving full support for me to achieve that.
good one.....
ReplyDeleteThank you
ReplyDeletethis is a complete package for knowing everything about ssb interview
ReplyDeletethanks sir
ReplyDelete@vips, thank you friend
ReplyDelete@prabha shankar pandey, welcome friend
ReplyDeletethanks man....really appreciable.....
ReplyDeletegreat bro.....
ReplyDelete@ashish thank you ..
ReplyDeleteitts good for upcoming candidates for ssb interviews.......
ReplyDeletebut frends i m not strong in english so in all this tasks or interviews ,GDs hindi is ok or not .....
Ya hindi is ok, but you have come back soon to english. Since as you are going in officer category, it is must.
ReplyDelete@atul, welcome friend
ReplyDeletenice for all
ReplyDelete@sonal114, thank you friend
ReplyDelete@syed naznee, Welcome
ReplyDeletelet me try ur way this time any it all coaching wala material
ReplyDelete@rakesh, ya thank you and all the best friend. The material available in the blog itself. It contains pictures for thematic appreciation test, words for word association test and questions for Situation reaction test. So prepare with that and be yourself. Surely you will get selected. All the best.
ReplyDeleteGreat job bro...
ReplyDelete@Arunjeet Singh Walia, Thank you brother.
ReplyDeleteWelcome :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Dear... I find all these things quite helpful..
ReplyDelete@Abhinav Mittal Said, Welcome friend.
ReplyDeletereally usefull liked very much
ReplyDelete@Syam, welcome friend
ReplyDeleteGood and useful to us. Thanks to you friend.
ReplyDeleteur givem information is sufficient for whom preparing for ssb interview like me thnks bro.........................
ReplyDeleteHello Vighnesh ! I waant to know when will TES (10+2) ARMY form will avail for filling for july course. Also, pls send the stuff u said soon. I'm aware about ur busy schedule but i need them very much.Vignesh if possible can u make a download options for ssb interview videos , as it will help us a lot. I also aware my friends about ur blog and they r also getting golden guidance from ur great effort. Pls help us.
ReplyDeleteThankssss......... a ton.
My e-mail id is My name is Deepak Khandelwalghnesh ! I waant to know when will TES (10+2) ARMY form will avail for filling for july course. Also, pls send the stuff u said soon. I'm aware about ur busy schedule but i need them very much.Vignesh if possible can u make a download options for ssb interview videos , as it will help us a lot. I also aware my friends about ur blog and they r also getting golden guidance from ur great effort. Pls help us.
Thankssss......... a ton.
My e-mail id is My name is Deepak Khandelwal
haa...this is ssb,i came to know by seeing this...
ReplyDeletethese r too m feelng difficulty in thnkng so fast abt these situation-reaction test?how cld i do it properly?
ReplyDeleteBrother, practice well. thats the only solution for all.
ReplyDeletewell boss.everything is good,but how many members they will hire at last??
ReplyDeleteIt depends, if all of the candidates in that batch was good, they will hire all. If no one was without olq's, surely no one will get selected.
ReplyDeleteIndian defense wants people of best of best
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletehi vignesh my name is mail id is
ReplyDeletein self description they ask if you are employed and instead of teachers opinion write about your employers or collegues opinion and your head's opinion then how can we write about it...
very useful info
ReplyDeletethanks it is very helpful to me
ReplyDeleteu r doing a great job man...keep it up.... n thank u
ReplyDeletehello vingesh.when i was going through the info provided by you ,i found that yes it was awsome stuff for the ssb prepration.gr8 have not mentioned about PABT.
ReplyDelete:), i ll post it soon brother
ReplyDelete@vingesh.well u can call me sister if u want lolzzzz.It is girl here.Ya do post and try to post questions too.i tryed alot but didn't find thm.
ReplyDelete@sister :), this is vignesh, not vingesh...;). Ok sure, i ll post it.
ReplyDelete@vignesh.ya its south name found difficulty lolzz.Thanku for calling sis sounds gud :) .It is sunaina here mail thos ques at
ReplyDeletehello Vignesh anjali here...i'hv mailed u mah prblm plz rply me on mah mail id...i'll b w8tin...thnx alot
ReplyDeletehey sir plz tell me how much english communication is required in AFCAT
ReplyDeletethnx alot Sir....ur advice z really helpful.....i'hv maild u once again plz check dat also in ur precious tym if possible...dis iz anjali eve...
ReplyDeleteEnglish communication, As i told earlier, upto basic matriculation grammar. Its enough for all exams and communication skills.
ReplyDeletewhat are procedures of constable driver at bhopal
ReplyDeletehie sir i m 4 times cnfrncd out once 4m bhopal n thrice 4m allahabad . on 21 nov m gng 2 dehradun 4 af ssb gv me some tips for psychological test.
ReplyDeletevery helpful one
ReplyDeletethanks for the information but in SD some positive and negative are to be put forward as it should be a balanced one
ReplyDeletesir, is ncc c certificate (grade B) helpful in clearing ssb?
ReplyDeletefantastic one... thanks for the valuable example and in depth explanation about each type of test...
ReplyDeletegood one...
ReplyDeletekeep going on...
@ya NCC C certificate is some plus for you, but it wont play any role in SSB. Your qualities only matters brother :)
ReplyDeletethnx buddy for all these valuable information abt ssb bt in ppdt u hv given lot many pics for practice so can u pls tell me dt r they give only ds kind of pics in ppdt ? n pls tell me smthng abt interview as m aready serving . tnx again
ReplyDelete@kaushik, yes sir. To know more about P.I get from this URL
ReplyDeletehello vignesh: I wanted to know if strengths are also called as :positive points"n in ssb
ReplyDelete@shrey, it depends, if the interviewer asks you the strength of you means, you have to give the positive things of you.
ReplyDeletehiiii vignesh....
ReplyDeletepls tel
i hv been selected for indian navy interview on 10 dec...pls givw some tips for selection in technical branch???
pls pls pls reply soon
for technical branch, no much extra preparation is needed. The selection process is same as like other entries. Just brush up your basics, its enough
DeleteGreat Work Sir.
ReplyDeletethankyou very much
hello vignesh,i have to attend the ssb of indian navy on 21st dec 2011.wil u plz tell me about the books for ssb preparation for both stage 1 and stage 2. the books should have techniques for solving verbal & non verbal reasoning and solved examples as well as email id is,plz rply as soon as possible..
ReplyDeletethankyou for the information in the blog.
a lot of helping material.
ReplyDeleteThanx a Lot vignesh ..i m aspiring to join the indian airforce and ur blog gave me a lot of information regarding this ... Thanx once again
ReplyDeletei just want to say this.
ReplyDeletesuperb material.
ReplyDeletethanku dear i think u had given full information about ssb intw............. thanks alottt
ReplyDeleteHello I am Sudhanshu Rai from Allahabad.Would you please check my self description if I post that here?
ReplyDeleteYa sudhanshu, you post let me check it upto my knowledge and tel you.
DeleteSir i have got 2 tattoos both on my wrists.. Will it be of any hinderance in the SSB interview for OTA...??
ReplyDelete@Rohan, yes it is said that tattos is hands are allowed in medical while tattos in body are not allowed . But this is not conform. Since regarding medical they will decide at final, just you attend and try your level brother. Dont worry about these. :)
ReplyDeletethis is awesome... everything about ssb is given..
ReplyDelete@Vignesh- Thank you Sir.. I ll definitly keep this in mind..Just need one more information that do we need to submit any documents before the SSB interview ? And secondly do I need to get trained in a special way before the Interview..?? Your suggestions will be highly regarded..!!
ReplyDeleteyes, during the submission of your application, you have to submit all the graduation mark lists, and certificate photo copies.
DeleteNo special training friend, be yourself. study this rohan
@Vignesh- Thanxx a lot Sir.. I highly regard your guidance..!!
DeleteBut Sir Before the SSB Interview How do we submit any documents and where..?? Or is it after the SSB interview..??
I am Sudhanshu Rai.I am pursuing my masters in English Literature.I have 49% in 10th and 51% in 12th and 48% in graduation.I have 2 siblings and I am elder among them.My father is a rtd JCO and my mother is a staff nurse.My hobbies are to play video games,to read novels,to sing the songs,to surf net,to bake the cakes.I am posting my self description here.
ReplyDeleteMy parents think about me that I am a responsible son.They think that I should work hard on my study so I can get good marks.I say them I can become an officer and I would not let these numbers(marks) decide my future.They think that I should help them while they are at home.They think I should always support my siblings and help them in study.They think I should believe in mythology.My mother who is a staff nurse thinks that I should help her in daily pooja.My father who is a retired JCO and living in my native place thinks that I should regulerly visit my native place and should spent my free time with him. They think I should fullfil their all wishes.My parents think that I should improve my hand-writing.I am working on it.
My friends think about me that I should share my all secrets with them.They think I should go with them to movie when we are all free to go.They think I should bunk my college to see any interesting place,to see any monuments and company garden(a picnic spot) with them.They think I should participate with them in games.They think I am the one who never leaks their secrets.They think I should suggest them about books and novels.They think I should always be with them in their worst time.
My teachers think about me that I should be reguler in class.They think I should keep maintain my notes.They think I should be in discipline.They think I should ask them about my draw-backs.They appreciate me when I perform in the annual sport functions and win medals.They think I should not be with bad behaving students.They think I would use their therories and principle to achive succes.
I have two siblings and I am elder among them.My younger sister thinks about me that I should help her in study and share my experince with her.She thinks that I should help her in home-works while my mother is away.She thinks that I should not irritate her more than enough.Everyday I go to drop her at her school.My younger brother thinks that I should advise him about good books so he can prepare himself for competitive exams.He thinks I should share my good moments with him.My siblings are happy with me.
I think about me that I am an average type of student in study.I like to play chess,to read novels,to play video game,to swim and to bake cake.I think that I am a responsible person.I always try not to make anyone angry.I think my friends and parents will help me in my difficult time in life.I worship everyday and I think it keeps my mind fresh and calm.I read newspaper daily so I can keep myself aware about the world.
I'm having eyesight of 6/9 in right eye & 6/24 in left eye and my Myopia is -1, am i eligible for
ReplyDeleteS.S.B Technical post
For Army myopia should not be more than 2.5D and hypermetropia should not be more than 3.5 D including Astigmatism.
Deletehai friends .. i am vinod. i have to report at bangalore ssb on 9th feb for ssb interview . if anybody going frm kerala plz contact me @ 09746470552
ReplyDeletemind blowing information.excellent narration.each and every thing.thanks
ReplyDeleteHuhh ... Finally ive reached d END .. Tired of scrolling down these comments.... :D
ReplyDeletebut i must say every bit posted here ... was very much helpful .... :) Great Job !!!
thnx a lot !!!
Respected Sir'
ReplyDeletekindly tell me how many attempts is needed for WAT,SRT out of 60...
@vivek, attempts you are asking about the number of questions to attend right. Brother, try to complete atleast 85% of questions. :) It will be a good work
DeleteI have attended the SSB 5 times. But I am very desperate to join it. Could I get selected in my next attempts or the chances are less.
ReplyDeletenothing like that, dont think about those. Do your level best at next time.
Delete@vignesh:I want to go in airforce, how can i go in airforce.
i have done my from cse branch in 2011.
hi vignesh am a gal and i wana appear 4 ssb . do u hav any idia dat every 6 months how many gals get into ARMY ?? am doing my btech now ..can i appear 4 da exam in 4th year of my btech ?? pls suggest
ReplyDeleteyes you can apply through UES scheme. The number of seats depends on the notification only. And also its not an exam, its interview
Deletehm..ya i tried to know about the vaccancies but am unabl to find a prope rlink can u help me out plss.s..?? :(
Deleteplz help me about coast guard special drive technical exam
ReplyDeletehow to prepare for this exam
This was really great. I got a ssb call from bhopal and the date is 29 march. Thanx for all the tipes. I will go to bhopal from delhi, than if anyone will be go to the bhopal than contact with me. my no. is 8802393461....
ReplyDeleteis good command over english language a must for ssb interview
ReplyDeletefluency is very much imp but u need to speak slow not tooo fast .rest al is ok
Deletei got call letter for tgc, how to prepare for it?,which books is better for preparation give me sugetions.
ReplyDeleteGet any book to know the process of ssb, but never read the stories in that book. Get the picture and prepare your own stories.
Deletethanks for the information
ReplyDeleteHi Vignesh...this is vipul. I have attain the ssb for 4 times(2-screen out and 2-conference) but unfortunately not selected..I am not able to find my mistakes.could you please help me out.
ReplyDeletehi vipul brother. dont worry. Just read every post of the blog, in this if you find any doubts ask me. Also, study the ssb preparation part specially to note down your routine life. If you correct in this, automatically your psychology test will shine which results in better result of personal and group task. So pls read those and ask ur specific doubts. :)
ReplyDeletei am going to attend for SSB for the first time and it is on may 14 at Mysore.Can u please tell me what are eye sight standards that should be present ? i am having eye sight..
ReplyDeletedont worry about that. Eye sight correctable with glasses is ok only. Except for pilot entry.
DeleteThanq sir..Thanq for providing infromation...
Deletehi does ssb centres have an idea of how many times we have attended ssb, from various boards, and if i tell as fresher in a board for second time what will happen, pls let me know
ReplyDelete:), why you have to tell lie to them. As we are going for a service, we should not tell lies brother. Sorry.
DeleteThey know every thing about us and they are seeing thousand of people like us daily.
its better to be straight and confident. :)
ok sir, but in my last ssb i told them as 1 time repeater and actually was my 3 time and they didn't find that
ReplyDeleteHi Sir,
ReplyDeleteIs it a major concern to have "flat foot"? would my flat foot avoid me from joining Armed Forces?
not like that, it depend on the foot arch level.
Deletehey vignesh...i must appreciate your blog.... thanks for writing helps a lot of candidates like me who want to join Indian for armed forces...thanks once again :)
ReplyDeleteHello...thanks fr all your a student of 10...i will be going for national cadet corps in my next two academic dumbfounded of Indian army and i really wish to be its part father is helping me to makeover..but the thing is .. i need a clear picture what to do after my to apply and when to apply like after my graduation or after my 12..i really really need sum1 to guide me... i think u will definitely help me as i saw your blog and i found u very very helpful person so will u...or better i say u ought to help me ha......8)!!!!...i am and will be thankful to you ....waiting fr your reply......
ReplyDeleteya suman, :P, you can apply for NDA exam and TES entry after 12th.
Deletehello sir, i am janardhan. i lost my online application copy. But i have an ssb interview at bhopal on june 22. How can overcome it sir...please give me reply sir...please.....
ReplyDeletejus download the common application form and finish its formalities. nothing to worry jana, do well
ReplyDeletemy name is Harshad n m from Faridabad. sir i wanted to ask dat i am applying for Indian Navy 10+2 cadet and I scored xactly 70% in PCM in 10+2 and ithe eligibilty is atleat 70 %. So is there chance for me to have my name in short list. and rite nw i am pursuing my from maharishi dayanad university would it be a problem for me while taking admission in Indian navy ? i would br really oblige if you help me out because i am very much tensed about dis and very desperatly want to get admission in Idian Navy . apart from this i am also preaparing for ssb test from your guidlines . these are really helpful for me . thanks a ton sir .
no problem will occur and you apply mostly they ll call u for selection process
Deletethank u sir .... thanxx for the reply .... actually m really scared coz of my PCM percentage and the cut off percentage ..... i am praying and hoping dat i atleast get my name in shortlist ..... so that atleast i will b able to show my inteligence and performance....
Deletegood job buddy,this 'l help me lot..
ReplyDeleteIf you are applying for flying branch means u have to fly,, else technical work :)
ReplyDeletesir i wanted to ask dat iam having cavity in my my chewing teeth ..... will it affect me in my medical examination ..... would i be rejected for this .....and if yess please tel me how can i fix this problem ....
ReplyDeleteno not like that, they check for minimum good dental points. dont worry about this.
Deletemay i knw wat is telegraphic keywords
ReplyDeleteits like, message = msg, please = pls etc.
ReplyDeleteu have done great job
ReplyDeletei just cleared cds written, waitng for ssb call letter...
ReplyDeletem a science graduate...
my height is only 152 cm n i never played any games as such...
one of my friends....she is 4 times tennis gold medalist...will she get a prefernce over me in ssb
nothing like that, our attitude only matters in ssb
Deletehello sir ...... i am sorry i am again and again asking questions ... actually i am very much afraid of my selection and desperately want to get selected .... sir i wanted to ask you that i have practiced a lot for intelligence test from the given link [] but i am not having any idea that what type of questions in puzzle and mathematical aptitude test are asked ....please help me out and if u find same type of questions i the above link please copy dat link and tell me ..... thanq sir.....:)
ReplyDeleteok its enough. dont get afraid and all. keep moving
Deletesir b t please tell me about the basic mathematical aptitude dat i mentioned in my above msg ...:)
Deletesir are their sum more catagories in non-verbal reasoning except that yoy have mentioned i your blog . coz in rs aggarwal therir are a many .... please guide me .....:)
Deletejus go through the basics only. Its more than enough. even jus read the topics which is given above.
Deleteoooo thanx ......
Deletesir, the following thing is written when i ask to online print my ssb call letter
Delete"Sorry, you have not been presently shortlisted to attend SSB. You will be intimated by SMS/ email in case you are shortlisted to attend SSB"
aur the last date to aplly was 25th june is the reason for this msg. please tell me what is the matter :)
Hello Sir, I am Mayukh Das,I want to know that all communication held in SSB Interview like GD or Interview,it's in English or in Hindi???
ReplyDeleteHello sir,
DeleteMeri SSB hai sir July main.I am facing problem in Picture description. I am not getting the way that how i will describe the picture to every one when each and every has a seperate story.We have to just support our story or we can appreciate the story of other candidate also.Please sir explain me. I will be very thankful to you.
hello vignesh,
ReplyDeletePlease explain me about picture description. Friend I am very confused about that. I wish to know that we have to support our story only or we can support any other candidates story also.
if you are well confident with your story support yours, else support other story by mixng yours with him. wholly depends on the particualar situatio only.
Deletesir is it okay to engae urself as side character in the story?????????
ReplyDeleteno no no, we are the hero brother.
DeleteThnks a lot sir...ur blog is very helpful for me to prepare for my ssb...thanks a lot again...i'll b highly obliged to you for this...u r the hope of those candidates who dont hv any guide for ssb...
ReplyDeletesir please tell me whether we should try to be a good person by acting in ssb or reveal truely what we are.i think they can easily check us if tried to befool them
ReplyDeletevignesh ... Plz tel me dat does weight really mttrs alot in NDA airforce???
ReplyDeleteBcoz ma height is 5'10.5" but weight is 95kgs ... but i do have a good stamina ...
Plz do rply ... actually em preparng fr NDA nd em in 12th ...
u have tie na.. reduce it brother.. physical matters in medical selection
ReplyDeleteYa i knw i cn but the thng is dat i want to get selected in this xam which is to be held this sunday (19th) will it b possible fr me ???
ReplyDeletend dude wat about the eyesight ma eyesight is weak do they now consider layser surgery???Ya i knw ... u must thnkng now dat em a totally physically defected piece :p
ReplyDeleteBut plz dude nda iz really imprtnt fr me ...
thnx a lot,but when wil d medical testin b held???
ReplyDeleteHi Vignesh,
ReplyDeleteI got selected in CDS (ii)-2012 written exam and waiting for the SSB call. But i'm facing a sort of problem. Actually, i had filled an address of Haryana while completing the CDS admission form. Due to my father's transfer, we had moved to west Bengal. Will the SSB call letter post to the previous address of Haryana? Or there is any another method to download the SSB call letter or to change the address?? Pls reply soon. As the SSB is going to held in March 2013.
hi sir...myself graduation (B.TECH.) is incomplete...some exams are due...i've passed the cds 2 written exam,,,waiting for SSB call i eligible for SSB interview..sir plzzzzzzzz tell me soon...i'm desperate to know.....
ReplyDeletecan we use 'I' in the WAT?? and can we define the word given??
ReplyDeleteplz reply asap
thanks in advance
Hello VIGNESH i have applied for the INDIAN NAVY PERMANENT COMMISSION OFFICER LOGISTICS . The cut off graduation percentage they are asking is 60 while my score is 63% . do you think i have a chance to get selected for further levels.
ReplyDeletethis page is really a big help to understand the ssb procedure
ReplyDeletesir. can u plztell me tell me dates of ssb interview for ncc 'c' certificate of 34th course which is going to start on oct.
ReplyDeletesir can u plz tell me the date of ssb interview for ncc 'c' certificate 34th course which is going to start on oct.
ReplyDeleteHi Vignesh, hope you are doing good, i got call letter to attend SSB interview they have given two dates 16th june for regular and 11th july for absentee, can i attend on 11th june? please help me bro...
ReplyDeletefor tat a particular story should be written for that particular slide or for all the slides as a whole story.
is time gap of 4 min given after each slide or after total.
thanks bro :)
ReplyDeleteeverything is well explained