Abhinav Sirohi Recommended for Air force twice and his experience

Hi everyone..I am Abhinav Sirohi from Kaithal Haryana , a die hard fan of indian airforce. I have always dreamed of joining iaf and this dream came true twice(28 dec 2013 and 15 april 2014).I would like to share my success story of my 2nd consecutive recommendation from 1Afsb dehradun. On 28 dec I was recommended by iaf for the first time but in afcat my score was just 135 marks and everyone knows that july intake is famous for breaking many dreams so i filled the afcat form again and gave afcat again and this time fortunately got 192 marks:) .after getting the afcat score the time to select afsb centre was there.Frankly speaking I am not very patient so I chose the first afsb date available and that was 9th April and that too from the same board. So the day 9th april came.I checked out my hotel and reached M.C.O and as usual saw a huge crowd of ssb asp...