Beggars in India and solutions for it

The big problem which is spoiling and eating India’s development is Begging. Yes, we can see beggars in all the roads of India.  We can’t finish a single day without seeing a beggar while we are going in and around the city. Its really a shameful thing to the Indians. Foreigners who are visiting India for the ancient culture and to visit the places, feels negative about the beggars in India.

Reasons for the beggars :- 
You can that, the beggars are the reason for the begging and they are the reason for the begging. But, the real reason is you only. Yes, its you who encourages the beggar and giving money to them. Mostly these beggars  are found in dirty and torn clothes and they ask for one or two rupees from us. We will also put. Because we feel it is spoiling our dignity before others, and we will show off our richness there only. Sometimes, we will put Rs. 100 also, to prove our wealth. But really you are spoiling them.  You are not helping actually, you are spoiling them by making  them depending on the begging.

The another main reason is that, the imbalance in the economy of the nation. Yes, the famous sentence “ Rich becoming richer, and the poor becoming poorer” . India is the only nation, where we can find the millionaire, and the beggar. Some people are storing the money in one of their  “N” number of rooms in their houses. Some people don’t have the houses itself. This is the reason behind the begging process in the nation. The poorer people started to use this weapon to get money from the rich people.  People are there without the basic benefits.

In the recent decades, the reason is begging has become a business, and just got deep rooted into the society. Really, the money which we are putting in the plates of a lady who carries with a child , its not going to her. She is just an agent to the owner, who is doing the BEGGING BUSINESS. Yes, the people with the large number of group of people, who are physically handicapped, visually impaired, ladies,children and using them as beggars. And the money earned from the begging is getting shared, where this poor people are acting as a tool only. The owner is grabbing all the money. He is doing by threatening the vast number of people under his chain.
There are 3,00,000 beggar children in India.  NGO’s are working on it, to give them  the awareness of Education and to eradicate the children beggars in India. We should talk to the children who are asking begging to us, on the roads and the streets. Everybody should take an oath, and to solve it.
How we can solve this issue? Is it possible  to run the beggary totally from India ? yes, there are.
First thing, should find the agency which is involving in the BEGGARY BUSINESS. And should take legal actions on them, and just totally wash out them. The district collector should take this opportunity and should do it.
Second, the Government should take steps and announce them as a sin. Yes, legally this should be announced as illegal. As like child labourers announced as an offence, child beggary should be announced as an offence. Then, major child beggary will be eradicated.
Third, slowly find all the beggars and kindly arrange them the basic benefits for them to survive in this world. This will take a longer time, but will get a greater impact on the society.
The group of the visually impaired, physically handicapped should be get placed in jobs with proper training. The government should take measures for it.
The NGO’s are working on it, few more NGO’s should volunteer and we should encourage the NGO’s and proper government aid should be reach to the NGO’s.
But, above all, it is in our hands, to stop encouraging them by giving a single rupee. For them its no value. But, it is affecting the nation, with a greater value. Kindly avoid encouraging beggary. From this day, all the citizens should take an oath not to give a singly money towards beggary !!!! 


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