TEJAS in detail

The Tejas, or ‘radiance’, India’s Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) is an indigenous fighter aircraft jointly developed by Aeronautical Development Agency and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited along with DRDO, CSIR, BEL, DGAQA, IAF & IN to meet diverse needs of the Indian Air Force (IAF) and Indian Navy (IN). It is the smallest lightweight, multi-role, single-engine tactical SUPERSONIC fighter aircraft of its class in the world and is being developed in single-seat fighter and twin seat trainer variants for the Indian Air Force and Indian Navy. Image Courtesy: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions: Diameter 890 mm, Length 3.9 m Weights: Max Weight 1,035 kg (2,282 lb) Engines Performance: Thrust 9,163 kg (20,200 lb) SYSTEMS & TECHNOLOGY Tejas incorporates a highly reliable quadruplex digital fly-by- wire Flight Control System for the ease handling of pilot.The new generation glass cockpit comprises Multi Function Displays (MFD), Head Up Display (H...