Sustainable development in India

How can you define sustainable development ? 
     It is the development which meets the needs of the present, without affecting the future generation, for their essential needs.  To mean literally, sustainable development is the concept of needs, within the limitations of space. World, is a system , a system which connects  space and time. Practically speaks, if air is polluted in Asia, it will affects America too.

     Sustainable development, is helping the people to understand the world.  A steady state economy is the perfect meaning for the sustainable development. How important, the cultural diversity to the humans, the same importance we should give to the bio diversity of the nature. It meets the human needs according the resources available, means the sustainability of the natural systems and the environment.
Sustainable development includes everything. Sustainability in financial terms , which is not an easy task. As corporations implement a sophisticated sustainability environment, it is necessary to make financial terms to sustain that sophisticated standard of living. Financial advisors, guides the people towards that. Now, in the modern era, we all got practiced with all the sophisticated things in life. Think it off, if we don’t have TV, fridge or washing machine in future , that’s all the whole world will stop. So, our future generation needs the financial stability to enjoy all the high standard of living measure .

     If we talk about the sustainable development, in the climatic conditions, extreme weather creates the sea levels to rise. Climatic conditions is more critical for businesses and urban infrastructure. Researchers, advise the city developers to maintain the greenery resources, so that the future generation will not be in scarce of natural resources.

     Major food and beverage companies, through their agricultural practices, explore deforestation, which is dangerous to the future people. Likewise, the water pollution and scarcity may be arise in the future. For that, Government has taken certain measures to make the people aware of the water scarcity . The Ministry of Environment, has arranged programmes, to save water on the earth. Each and every nation, and states has taken proper measures to save water.

     National committee for sustainable development have been formed in all the countries.It has been formed in a high political level. And a United nations commission has been newly established for sustainable development.

     India is a nation, one end with high poverty and one end with luxurious life. There are lot of indifferences, in the standard of living of the people. The Development is one class of society whereas the one class of society suffer a lot. It is therefore necessary to strengthen the public distribution system to overcome this inequity.

     Creation of new jobs and of opportunities for the reorientation of traditional skills to new occupations, is the major measure taken by Mrs. Indira Gandhi, during 1972 for a sustainable growth and development. And another measure is to create job opportunities to the women of the nation. They have started earning to create a balance in the society.

     Globalization as it is taking place today is increasing the divide between the rich and the poor. Globalization is driven by vast, globally spread , human resource engine involving millions of livelihoods. Mechanisms to safeguard trade and livelihoods, especially in developing countries, must be evolved and negotiated to make globalization an effective vehicle of sustainable development.
Another basic thing, is the human health and the sustainable development. Citizens of developing countries, continuously vulnerable by spreading of diseases. For a healthy, balanced and productive fulfilling life, every human has to get a balanced diet, safe drinking, clean air, sanitation, environmental hygiene, primary health care and education.

     To conclude this, it is in our hands whether development means affluence, or development means peace, prosperity and happiness. If we decide on it, we will be on the safer road of sustainable development.


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