Role of NGO in social welfare in India

     We would heard about this word often, NGO. What do you mean by NGO ? NGO - the abbreviation stands for Non Government organization. Practically, it means a Non-profit organization. Yes, they just work for the benefits of others, not for their own income. They are the good players in social welfare.

     NGO’s work for day to day to solve various kinds of problems, for children, for women, for handicapped , for physically challenged , for senior citizens, etc.  The aim differs from NGO to NGO.  Some work for underprivileged citizens of the country. Some work for the health and education of the children. Some work for AIDS , leprosy kind of major diseases. But, the end motive is to work for the welfare of the society. It helps to uplift the people who don’t have any source to grow.

Let us see the top 10 NGO’s in India :-

  1. Samman foundation – They work towards the rickshaw pulling class of the people, by providing opportunities to live their normal livelihood . 
  2. Goonj – Goonj is doing an essential thing for the people.  They indulge themselves in solving the problem of clothes to the underprivileged. They work for flood relief measures . 
  3. Akshaya Trust – They work for the helpless,forsaken, mentally ill, old and sick and road side destitute lives in Madurai. 
  4. Smile foundation – They provide healthcare services to the underprivileged class of the society. 
  5. Udaan welfare foundation – They work for children and destitute women.
  6. Pratham – works for the Education for the underprivileged society in Mumbai. 
  7. Lepra society- This works for the welfare of the people, who are suffering from AIDS, leprosy and Tuberculosis etc, and that too they concentrate in women and children
  8. Deepalaya – A Development which works in issues for the poor and downtrodden children.
  9. Uday Foundation – It is in New delhi, which works for the poor children who affected with congenital diseases.
  10. Helpage India – This is an Institute, which is working hard for the rights of the senior citizens of the country. 

All over the world, the NGO’s are spread over. United Nations is the first country which starts the NGO during the year 1945. The number of NGO’s are more in the developing and the under developed Nations. Because, they need the support of NGO’s . More than 40000 International NGO’s are operating worldwide.  But, comparatively the national NGO’s are more in numbers , more than 1-2 million NGO’s in India and 2,77,000 NGO’s in Russia. In the 20th century, the Globalization makes the people understand the importance of NGO’s.

Aim of the NGO :-
     There are many problems which could not be solved effectively within a country. NGO emphasize the core issue related to human cause related to sustainable development, development aid and other humanitarian issues. It helps to raise the cause of the people, in  the world social forum.  They invite the donors from various parts of the world, or within the country and gives in hands of the real needy’s in the form they are in need of.  The aim of the NGO may differ, but the motto is common, to benefit the underprivileged by any reason.

     Here, I want to mention about a NGO in Bangalore, which operates in a different manner. Enable India, is a NGO which is operating for the benefit of the physically challenged, visually impaired and hearing impaired people. They are acting  as a job consultancy for them. They train those people in their institute and make them place in the perfect jobs . They train with special softwares, according to their defect. The appreciable act , they are following them even after they got jobs, assisting them , giving counseling and make them to work comfort and continuously in jobs.  There are lot of volunteers for that organization. Ms. Vidhya is the former of that organization, who formed this , as she has a hearing impaired brother.

     There are some negatives about the NGO’s amongst the people. Some NGO’s misuse the funds, but they are all myths. To make our nation, grow with a sustainable development, we should come forward to help this NGO’s . We can’t spend one lakh rupee towards the welfare of other people, but we can spend a one thousand rupee. If 100 persons contribute 1000 rupees, which will amounts to one lakh rupee. This unity makes the NGO a success. 


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