Individual Obstacles in SSB and AFSB
This is the task conducted during GTO series. In this task main purpose is to give chance to every individual by providing time constraint to, judge their proficiency. This task usually lasts for 3 minutes. Sometimes bit more time is provided to complete them. This comprises of 10 obstacles and you have to complete. Them in stipulated time. The obstacles are such designed that they become more and more difficult as you move on to next one. Every obstacle provides you some points which you score after crossing that obstacle successfully without breaking any rule. So marks are like 1 obstacle consist of 1 mark 2nd of 2 marks and so on so it become sum total of 55 marks.
- To check stamina and courage of candidate.
- To evaluate his individual personality pattern.
- To check out his her boldness via keeping such elements in obstacles like height , depth which will let gto known to fact like if someone is in fear of height , jump , or depth.
- To check determination which means like if candidate is not able to execute one if obstacle properly will he be coming with same zeal and enthusiasm.
- Remember marks you got in this task hardly decided your selection and rejection it is nearly conducted to get into individual personality of candidate and to get aware of some facts like height phobia, depth phobia, laziness , active.
- Remember GTO also checks out you managerial skills here by looking at the pattern you choose to complete obstacles because their is no hard and fast rule to attempt from starting.
- GTO briefs you all about 10 obstacles and time limit.
- He will let you know about that you may start from wherever you want as obstacles are not serially arranged.
- If you don't want to go for particular obstacle you may skip that and come back again after completing rest of them provided you are left with time or not.
- If you have completed all obstacles but you are still left with time then you can start repeating you’re those obstacles. But if any one is left in b,w then first you have to complete that then only you can start repeating them or even if while crossing if you have broken any rule then again first you have to cross that obstacle again.
- Remember when GTO takes you to brief obstacles just design your pattern in that meantime.
- GTO calls candidate one by one rest will wait in waiting room.
- GTO gives time to plan you pattern
- Then he will give whistle sign and starts timer for first candidate and keep observing him/her.
- After 2 1/2minutes he calls next candidate and he stands in front if form where he she may wants to starts.
- Sometimes GTO provide extra time to candidate, remember don't stop until gto tells you to do.
- When 3minutes get over he again blow whistle which means time for first is over and second can start.
- Simple jump like ramp jump.
- Burma bridge
- Tarzan jump
- Walking over zig zag
- Commando walk
- Monkey crawling
- Jump over wall by taking pace of run
- Triple jump
- Jump from height
- Tiger leap
- Double ditch
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