Guru Mantra for success in Interview

Finally the guru mantra for successfully qualifying the interview is, to initially fathom the specific requirements, thereafter, carry out a SWOT analysis (strengths, weakness, opportunities &threats) and acquire all the necessary competence essential for a potential officer material and finally go confidently, with an open mind, but not so open also, that your brains fall out. !!!!!

Factors that determine your attitude,

1. Environment
2. Experience
3. Education

Now let’s evaluate each of the factors individually:

Environmental Factors:
  • Home: Positive and negative influences come from here. 
  • School: peer pressure and support matters a lot
  • Work: supportive or over critical supervisor.
  • Media: television, newspaper, magazine, radio and movies. 
  • Cultural background: what kind of culture you are brought up in.
  • Religious background: how much spirituality you bear. 
  • Social background: how much easy going and open with your society.
If we margin performance it says that if environment is positive and output goes up. If it is negative output goes down. So always recognize people with positive attitude. Be caring, patient, confident and humble. Have high expectation from themselves and others. They anticipate positive outcome.

What positive attitude brings? How it benefits you?
A positive attitude benefits you always. Makes pleasing personality for you. It is energizing and increases your enjoyment of life. Inspires others around you, helps you to become a contributing member of society and asset for country.

How positive attitude helps your organization:
Increases productivity: It always allows others to support you and work along with you. It fosters teamwork and solves problems with minimum stipulated time. It improves quality and creates soothing atmosphere for everyone. It allows breeding logicality and embracing relationships with employees and customers. It reduces stress too.

Negative attitude brings bitterness, resentment, purposeless life, ill health, high stress levels for
themselves and other around them and to future generation.


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