How to be positive in life?

     We are all bounded by thoughts which are hitting us from all the directions.  We don't think about the thoughts which we are thinking unless we want to travel towards the goal of our life.  Because, to reach the goal of life the thought should be positive enough, as it gives internal energy from our self and external energy from universe.  If we are positive enough, automatically we will receive the thing which we need in life.

Below are the few points to follow to stay positive in life,

1) Exercise daily or play your favorite game until you sweat fully.  You should exhaust yourself up to your maximum point.
2) Controlling our self to talk negatively about persons in their presence/absence and if we can, try to talk by looking positive points about them.
3) Having good hobby which influences your mind and notice your day to day growth in that and it should make you to do that when you are free with no works.
4) Appreciating little things which is happening around you.

5) Worshiping God, if you have belief :), meditation.
6) Spend time with friends and if they talk negative about themselves or anything (including you), just smile enough from east to west and give solutions for them.  Automatically, this habit builds leadership quality within you.
7) Spending time with pets and gardening.
8) Call to your old friends and speak and crack the jokes with old memories.
9) Read books a lot especially when you are alone.
10) Finally, never worry right now at any point of life for being there.  Since, you can look back and you know the way to come back
to starting point of life.  Just start to work, motivate yourself (no one can motivate you other than you, because you are the best friend) and go to the point which you deserve.

Happy life dears :)


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