Why do you want to join Indian Army, Navy and Air Force?
This is a sure question which 99.99 % candidates get during their personal interview.
Most of the guys asking the question, what I should answer for this? and How I should say to impress the interviewer?
Before looking to find the answer, just look from the position of the interviewer. He is the representative for the force(Army, Navy and Air Force) to choose the best candidate
(NOTE: not the good or better) for the force. So he just want a good quality, source of knowledge, skills from you to use it for the benefit of his force(Army, Navy and Air Force).
So, the answer for this should be something more than your existing officer like qualities and devotion towards the nation. Since, every one is serving nation through any mode.
So, how to answer?
In addition to the response of officer like qualities and duty to the nation, add the existing skills which you have i.e. the skill which you can give to the force after getting into the service.
Eg:- Sir, I want to serve my mother land since I got inspired by the brave act of late Major.
Sandeep Unnikrishnan and as a state level hockey captain, I want to lead the Army hockey team in my service.
Assessment from the above example:-
- Devotion towards the duty(Sense of Responsibility - OLQ).
- Inspiration towards a brave act -- Shows you are a brave person (Courage - OLQ).
- Leading the hockey team - Shows your leadership quality.
- Like to play hockey, shows your stamina, love towards the game which you played, team spirit etc(He can get more qualities through sub questions from your answer)
Like this assessment is made through our oral replies.
Now, let we see the tricky traps from the interviewer,
Now, let we see the tricky traps from the interviewer,
Trap slides from interviewer:- Checking you through your education, sports, hobbies etc
Example Conversation For the persons who are doing MBA:-
Interviewer:- You are a MBA degree holder, which is no use for the Army, so why should i take you?
Candidate:- Sir, I feel getting knowledge is not waste at any time in life. Since, in army if i am
posted in any administrative task means i can able to document well and give the required
specification well through the skill which i gained in my MBA. So, surely my MBA will be useful
at any part of time in Army.
Like this, you should show the positive quality of your graduation, sports or any hobby to the
interviewer and the interviewer also expect the same.
Gentlemen, making the interview as the cake walk is in your hand so be positive and Good luck dears.
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