Model SRT's by Ex. GTO of Shankar"s Academy, Salem, Tamil Nadu
1. You are in a NCC camp and standing on guard duty and suddenly you find dacoits approaching you. You …. 2. You went on a picnic along with your friends. But the place selected by you is occupied by some other group. You ….. 3. You are taking an exam. In the exam hall, while the invigilator is not looking, your dearest friend sitting next to you asks you to help her with a problem, lest she may fail in the exam. You …. 4.You are traveling from Delhi to Chennai. On the way you discover that you have lost your ticket as well as your purse. You ….. 5. When you are in a crowded cinema hall, the hall catches fire. You …. 6. The friend whom you had helped him financially and also in studies had teamed up with your opponent in the college elections. You ….. 7. During NCC camp, your batch of cadets declared a strike because of rude behavior of a senior Instructor. You ….. 8.Two days before final of Tennis tournament, your mixed doubles partner...