Day 3 & 4 Group Task

Day 3 & 4 are called as Group Tasks or Group Testing Officer Tests:-

     Group Tasks are held during the third and fourth day of the selection process.  i.e. Following the next day of the day 2 (psychology).  First let we see what are the tests conducted during the day 3 & 4.
  1. Group Discussion.(G.D) - Indoor Task
  2. Group Planning Exercise or Military Planning Exercise.(G.P.E or M.P.E)- Indoor Task
  3. Progressive Group Task.(P.G.T) -Outdoor Task
  4. Half Group Task.(H.G.T) -Outdoor Task
  5. Individual Obstacles(I.O)-Outdoor Task
  6. Command Task.(C.T) -Outdoor Task
  7. Snake Race or Group Obstacle Race.-Outdoor Task
  8. Individual Lecturette.- Indoor Task
  9. Final Group Task(F.G.T)-Outdoor Task
Let we see in detail about each tasks followed by its procedures, approach and tips.

     What is Group Discussion?
  Group Discussion is a discussion between group of persons about a topic which usually ends with a solution.

Group Discussion:-
      In day 3, the GD is the first and important of the Group Task process.  As this shows many of our OLQ to the GTO.

Rules followed in GD:-
     Usually two GD's are held at a stretch.  The topic given for the first GD will have three options to select    and the topic given for the second GD is compulsory one.
     The group is divided in 8 or 12 or 12 based on the order of the chest numbers.
     The GD's will be held at a stretch with a little time gap.
     Three options are given for the first G.D and the candidates have to chose one from that.  In this scenario the candidates have to discuss within themselves to choose the topic which most of them are agree.  After telling the chosen topic to the GTO, he gives time to think about the topic for few minutes(usually 3 to 4 minutes).  Then after that he orders the candidates to start the discussion.(The war begins).
    After the finishing of the first G.D. the G.T.O gives 2 minutes gap and gives the second topic which is compulsory topic.
    The time give to think about this topic is only 3 to 4 minutes and he starts to observe the group.
     The duration of both the G.D will be 10,15 or 20 minutes.

     What GTO expect in GD?
      First for a good human with good qualities, he should be able to put his points in front of others or in a group.  This is what expected in defense officers also, since he should command his man at normal time or at the time of war.  So he should be clear in expressing his thoughts and give good points at discussion even under pressure.  For all these sakes, GD is conducted.

The GTO expects things such as
  • Communication Skills.
  • Listening to the group members point.
  • Leadership and Coordination with the group members  (Heart)
  • Expressing one truthfully in the group.
  • Depth of Knowledge in the given topic.
  • Sharing of knowledge to the group members
  • Running the group parallel to the given point.
Let we see in depth about each expectations.

Communication Skills:-
     This is the most important thing at G.D since the heart of the G.D is effective communication.  To be an active member of the group, he should be able to put his points before the group and should make the group to agree his/her points.  For this the candidate communication should be effective(able to influene the group).
Effective communication results in getting the attention of the group member.  If you communicate well, then your point will be given a weightage and everyone will discuss around your point.  So you are becoming the centre of attraction.
      The main thing after becoming the centre of attraction is, After the group seems to conclude about your previous point, try to give a new point in relevant to the previous one so that the group tries to hold that point and start to discuss.
     Make the G.D as GD and dont make is as a debate.  The name is group discussion so try to make it as discussion and not as a debate show i.e. dont argue with any one.
     Never say wrong about any point, even though it is wrong, over come that negative thing with a positve point.  It gives a greater impression for you.
     After giving your point, just listen to the group member who is speaking and if you get a change in that give a point supporting to your previous point.(merging your previous point and the current point talked by the group member).

Ok, now let we see how to put forward our point to the group when some one is talking i.e. how to interrupt?

     While others talking, the ways we can put forward out points are :-
  • Excuseme gentleman, i have something to say
  • Excuseme gentleman, i agree with your point but also want to add one more point.
  • I agree with your point, could you explain in briefly.
  • Excuseme gentleman, My solution for this issue is ------(while two members are debating try to give a solution, this gives you a credit.  Since the real leader is one who finds the solution for the problem)
  • Excuseme wait please, Let we give chance to chest number --. He is also having some point to discuss.(This shows your help attitude and broad widened mentality i.e. giviing chance to theweakones)
Listening to the group members point:-
     As i told how important the communication is equally important to patient listening.  A patient listener gives more quality point rather than the continuous speaker.  Since it is easy to give quality point if we are an active listener rather than talking continuously.  In the whole process, the quality only matters and not the quantity.  How much we speak is not a matter, how much depth we speak about the subject is the matter.
 Why iam telling is,
  Example:-    if we speak good quality point by listening to the group members, the group member will revolve around our points then we will be the centre for discussion.  So try to initiate, if not give a strong point(the point should be strong enough than the initiator with examples) or mingle your point with the initiator.  So that the group will stick to  your point.  Also try to give examples for your point.

Leadership and Coordination with the group members  (Heart):-
     This is the heart for an Army officer.  Since he will lead the group, so he should have good leadership quality i.e. able to coordinate with the group.
     In G.D leadership quality is analysed by the G.T.O by noticing the
  • Initiator of the group,
  • Listener of the group, 
  • Helping the weak member to talk, 
  • Supporting to the good point of the group member, 
  • Able to analyse and priorotise the good point from the members,
  • Explaining others point by giving his own example, 
  • Able to overcome his equally competent candidate with his depth of knowledge and communication skills.
The co-ordination of the group is not the separate quality.  If we follow the above things, then the co-ordination for the group comes naturally.

 Who is the real Leader?
     A real leader is not the person who is initiating first by fighting with others.(i.e. starting the discussion in an urge mentallity).
     A real leader is the person who keeps himself cool, and he will start if no body of the group does not have knowledge about the topic to start or guts to start.  He will volunteer himself to start the discussion by giving his valuable points and start the discussion.  He is the real leader in G.D.  The board also likes this leaders only.

Expressing one truthfully in the group:-
          The success mantra of the recommended candidates is "Be Yourself".  Since this is not a corporate selection to act as someone who is not you.  In corporate selection process it is a known fact, if we are good in communication with basic technical skills, we will get a job for 25000k per month.  But the defense is not the job it is a devoted service.  So it wants the person who is real and truthful and doesnt like the person who acts.
     Since it is not a desk job to act and keep fake smile at office from morning to evening and come back to home.  Its a service with field works, so we should be truthful to ourself by taking responsibility for our men and materials around us.  So in selection, its not possible to bluff or act as someone who is not you.  Be Yourself and show your all positive qualities fully.  If you have the all OLQ then the officers surely recommend you.

How they are finding the fake/bluffing/acting persons at SSB interview?
     Since from the first day we are filling a PIQ,  The psychologist check our response on the PT with the PIQ and gives a map represention of every candidate.(that is why PT are held at second day i.e. before the  personal and GTO tasks).  That representation is given to the personal interview (PI) and the GTO officers.  So what they do is just cross check our information by the psychologist with our responses in the  (PI)  and GTO.  So if we act as someone, then we itself are opening the door to get back out of selection process.  "Be Yourself" this is the key for success.

Depth of Knowledge in the given topic:-
     While talking in discussion as i told earlie the quality is matter and not the quantity.  To be a good participant in GD we should have a depth, sound knowledge in the given topic.  To get these depth knowlege see various discussion at national news channels such as NDTV, CNN IBN etc.  Also read national daily news papers such as the hindu etc.  So you will increase your knowledge day by day.  It is a long term process but results good in GD.  Also be crispy in putting the point.  Clarity of though is important.

Sharing of knowledge to the group members:-
     In GD, to make the discussion in a smooth manner sharing of knowledge plays a important role.  Since every candidate will give a point and expects that the group should stick over his point.  So it willl be a non-co operative discussion.  So to make it fruit ful, give supportive points to the members such as motivating them by sharing our  knowledge i.e. giving our own examples to their point.  By these activity we are becoming active member of the group, supportive and helping nature, showing our depthness of knowledge and making the discussion interesting.

Running the group parallel to the given point.:-
     If you were in the first three of the discussion by giving a good point with an example.  Also any of the group member agree your point and talk means, At that time you should run parallel to that person by giving more supportive points to him.  So if both of you are in the same stream the weak members will automatically stick to both of you.  In this scenario all are talking around your point.  So it is also an important thing.

Two Important parts of the G.D:-
  1. Initialisation
  2. Conclusion  
          Initialisation gives either two things in GD.  It will be a King Crown in your head if you start/initiate the G.D very well. i.e. Everyone will agree to your initialization.  Else it will be a indeleble remark over yor if you stammer at the starting point of G.D.  So if you know very well about the topic just start the discussion confidently.  Else listen to others and summarize your point then trigger it to the group.

Initiation in Group Discussion Techniques:-

     There are several techniques in the initiation of group discussion.  They are as follows:-
  • Real time example initiation technique.
  • Defining about the topic technique.
  • Interrogatory type technique.
  • Starting with hot issues and sailing over that technique.
  • Using phrases or quotes at the starting.
Let we see in detail about each,
Real time example initiation technique:-
      This is the common initiation technique followed by many in the G.D. i.e. if the topic given by the G.T.O is about "BRIBES IN BHARAT", then the candidate may start the discussion by giving real time examples such as CBI enquiry for various scams etc.  This is merging the theme of the topic with the real time.

 Defining about the topic technique:-
          This is very basic initiation technique followed by most of the persons in G.D.  i.e. if the topic is given the G.T.O is about the same "BRIBES IN BHARAT", then the candidate may start the discussion as defining about the root cause for the bribe, various topic related to bribe and pros and cons over the topic.  So he is defining about the topic by giving a theme so that the team members can catch  up the point and discuss.

Interrogatory type technique:-
          This is very interesting technique followed the few bold candidates in G.D. i.e. asking interrogatory type things such as what, when, who, how like question about the given topic.  Since, this may gives a good or bad image to the G.T.O.  This should be used at the right time, since if it is used wrongly it may give a impression as a negative thinker.

Example for Good Initialisation in Interrogatory type:-

      Let we take the topic "NUCLEAR REACTOR IN BHARAT", in this topic if the candidate starts the discussion with Why Bharat wants a nuclear reactor rather than choosing a alternative source for power? after telling this he should be able to support his point by giving positive points such as, what was happened in Japan due to nuclear reactor.(Like this even though the starting seems to be negative he finishes the topic by giving a strong positive point, i.e he gives importance to the people of bharat rather than power production,  Also he is not leaving about power production, he also gave in his point to find an alternatiave solution).  So this is a good initialisation.

Example for Bad Initialisation in Interrogatory type:-
     Let we take the topic "NUCLEAR REACTOR IN BHARAT", in this topic if the candidate starts the discussion with "What happend in Japan? A large amount of life loss and devastation.  So Nuclear Reactor should be abolished from Bharat and it should be close".  This is also the same question type initialisation but the thing is he didnt gave a supportive positive point to his question type initialisation and also the starting seems to be negative.  So avoid this type of initialisation.
     These are the pros and cons of the interrogatory initialisaton technique.

Starting with hot issues and sailing over that technique:-

     This is an interesting technique, giving a hot topic and social welfare topic such that every one will get little more interest to discuss abou this.
     Let the topic be "Tiger preservation in our nation", the start the discussion by giving a accurate statement that the number of tiger is decreasing rapidly.  If this continues what will the count after five years.  But be sure that the hot issues you are initiating should not be negative one.  i.e. When talking about this depletion in tiger count, dont blame the reason as forest officer, or government etc.  Give the point positively to sail over that point throughout the discussion.  In this scenario if you want to give the number of tigers in our country, be clear about the count i.e. be accurate in your values.


     In day 3 of Group Discussion they dont expect to conclude the G.D.  The conclusion is expected only in M.P.E  i.e. Military Planning Exercises.  So to conclude the G.D. dont stick with your points till the end.  Instead of that try to summarize all the important points of others by mentioning their chest numbers and also add your view with that.  Also try to add your own solution for the issues which you discussed in the Group Discussion Session.  As it shows your leadership qualities.(since the person finds the solution for the problem is the real leader).

Important tips for Group Discusson:-
  • First listen to the GTO commands keenly and patiently.
  • If you have enough knowledge about the topic and good effective communication then start the discussion.  Else be patient and wait for the sequential chances summerize your point in your mind then trigger it into the discussion.  Why i am saying is if you are weak in communication and get stammered in the initialisation, it may give a bad impression.
  • Keep proper eye contact with the group members who is talking and dont ever look to the G.T.O
  • Have a depth knowledge in basic topics and national issues as it be easy for you cross the group discussion like a cake walk.  
  • Dont ever make a debate in the discussion by joining hands as two or three person with in the group itself, then all will lose your chances of getting selected.
  • To be best read news papers, see discussion at national news channels also discuss with your class mates, friends in english to avoid stammering and to get flow of points in mind even in pressure.
Some common Group Discussion topics are,
  1. Bharat in olympics
  2. Global Warming
  3. Naxalism
  4. Bharat'sNuclear deal
  5. Education in our nation
     Guys these are about Group Discussion upto to my knowledge and i will update it as soon as possible if i come to know any new things about this.

2.Group Planning Exercise or Military Planning Exercise.(G.P.E or M.P.E):-

     Group Planning or Military Planning Exercise or Military Planning Exercise is followed after the Group Discussion at the third day of the process.
What is Group Planning or Military Planning Exercise?

     It is a set or problems or critical situations in which the candidate has to put up himself, engage his team or group of friends to find the solution for those problems along with that he/his team should get succeeded in their own problem.
     It is a situation whether the candidate has to think themselves as leader and and to allocate, extract work from the men and materials around him.  He should give priority to the situations and analyze that which should be solved first and which should be solved last.  You should also be able to allocate the man power based on the complexity of the problems.

Rules for the Military planning exercise of Group planning exercise:-

1.      The candidates will seat in a semi circle based on the chest numbers.
2.      Then the G.T.O will narrate the set of problems like a small story with a wooden model before you. i.e. A wooden plan drawn like  a map between two towns.  In that fields are painted as green, river (water bodies) are painted in blue, tar roads are painted in black and mud roads in pale yellow color. 
3.      After narrating the problem, he asks the group whether you are having any doubt.
4.      He also tells about the time and direction from which we have to go and also the wooden model is also marked with directions.
5.      After this we will be given a writing pad in that “stories with set of problems” will be there and the candidate has to read it quickly.  After that the candidate should place that by side.
6.      After this the candidate are given time to write down their own individual solutions or those problems.
7.      After this the candidates are given ten minutes to discuss about the set of problems and arrive at a proper solution to win over all situations. 

Type of problems faced by the candidate in Group Planning Exercise:-
1.      Rescuing the person suffering from snake bite.
2.      Rescuing the persons from train accident.
3.      Diffusing or telling information about a bomb.
4.      Natural calamities such as earthquake, tsunami etc.
5.      Saving the weak people from dacoits.
6.      Telling information to the police station about the hiding of terrorists out of town.
7.      Telling to the railway police about the broken rails.

Expectation from G.T.O in Military planning exercise:-

     In   M.P.E , it is a series of tough situation where the candidate is putting himself, his team in various situations i.e. extracting work from his team by allocating them based on priority of the problem.  He will be noticed go show his all OLQ in this.
 Along with the G.T.O expect some basic things for this such as :-
a)      Whether the candidate observes the analyses the problem well.
b)      Whether the candidate allocates work properly to is team mates.
c)      Whether the candidate able to prioritize the problems.
d)      Whether the candidate can able to win all the situations in the set of problems
e)      Whether he is forceful in putting his point to the group etc.(very important)

How to Approach Group Planning Exercise:-
a)      Listen keenly to the GTO instruction.
b)      Note down every situation carefully and try to use the utilities in that i.e. Using telephone at railway crosses etc.
c)      Narrate the solution by giving prioritized approach.
d)      At the discussion, try to put your points in a convincing manner with proper solution for the problems.
e)      If you find your solution is better and time efficient then never give up your point to others also if you find your solution is comparatively in low weight than others then accept their points. 

How to prioritize the problems:-
      Problems are prioritized based on their severity to life and things.  For example the priority should be given to a train accident rather than giving in closing the tricking drinking water pipe.

3. Progressive Group Task (P.G.T):-
          Progressive Group Task is continued after the M.P.E.  This task is about set of obstacles in ground in a specified area in that you and your team members should cross each obstacles defined by set of rules.  Also while crossing those obstacles we should carry a load.  To cross those obstacles, some helping materials are given by the G.T.O.  i.e. Balli (wooden log), Plank, and rope to tie these.

     The time given for this is usually 40, 60 minutes depending on the G.T.O. and also based on the difficulty of the task.  If one task is finished the group have to move to the next P.G.T.  So the group has to finish the tasks at a stretch. 
     Also the difficulty of the tasks increases from one task to another. 
     No leader is nominated and the whole group is allowed to participate in this.  The person who is having analyzing capability, who can able to apply his basic physics (such as fulcrum, cantilever) in real life, could feel easy to finish these tasks. Also he will be noted as the leader.

Example Scenario about P.G.T.:-
         The obstacles are painted in three colors namely

·        White
·        Black
·        Red
Each one describes one rule.                            
White: - Both the candidate and the helping materials can touch the obstacle at this region.
Black: - Only the candidate can touch the obstacle in this region and not the helping materials.
Red   : - Both the candidate and helping material should not touch the obstacles.

Out of bound area:-
         The areas in the P.G.T which should not be touched are called as out of bound areas.  These areas include the mud surfaces inside the task area and some color codes as described above.

Usage of helping materials and its usage:-  
          The helping materials given are wooden plank(6 feet length), balli (wooden log), and rope.  Along with this they will give a load to carry from one end to another end.  With these helping materials we implement several techniques such as cantilever, fulcrum etc to cross over the obstacles along with the group.  See this and get the idea about fulcrum, cantilever and P.G.T structures.    

Things to follow at P.G.T:-
a)      Never look at the G.T.O while doing the tasks.
b)      Be yourself as I stated earlier in the G.D itself.
c)      Give a good idea to the group if you don’t know any idea just help the idea givers truthfully.
d)      Never violate the rules it is the basic of G.T.O tasks, and in case if you violate the rule, just repeat the task. 
e)      Be an active participant in the team by giving your full cooperation. 
f)       Be positive in your views i.e. take consideration about other members ideas if it is finer than yours. 

4. Half Group Task (H.G.T):-
       The Half Group Tasks are conducted after the P.G.T.  Since some of the candidates even though getting idea to solve the P.G.T could not able to express his ideas due to communication problem or shy nature.

     For this sake, the Half Group Task is used.  The group is divided in half. E.g.:- If there are (10-12 members) then the group may get divided into 5-6 members.  So in this situation the candidate can able to analyze their different views to solve the task.  The rules and helping materials are same like P.G.T. only.  But the difference is the number of persons.

Example Scenario about H.G.T.:-
     The obstacles are painted in three colors namely
·        White
·        Black
·        Red
Each one describes one rule.                            
White: - Both the candidate and the helping materials can touch the obstacle at this region.
Black: - Only the candidate can touch the obstacle in this region and not the helping materials.
Red   : - Both the candidate and helping material should not touch the obstacles.

Out of bound area:-
          The areas in the H.G.T which should not be touched are called as out of bound areas.  These areas include the mud surfaces inside the task area and some color codes as described above.

Usage of helping materials and its usage:-  
         The helping materials given are wooden plank(6 feet length), balli (wooden log), and rope.  Along with this they will give a load to carry from one end to another end.  With these helping materials we implement several techniques such as cantilever, fulcrum etc to cross over the obstacles along with the group.  See this and get the idea about fulcrum, cantilever and H.G.T structures.    

Things to follow at H.G.T:-
g)      Never look at the G.T.O while doing the tasks.
h)      Be yourself as I stated earlier in the G.D itself.
i)        Give a good idea to the group if you don’t know any idea just help the idea givers truthfully.
j)        Never violate the rules it is the basic of G.T.O tasks, and in case if you violate the rule, just repeat the task. 
k)     Be an active participant in the team by giving your full cooperation. 
Be positive in your views i.e. take consideration about other members ideas if it is finer than yours.  
5. Individual Obstacles (I.O): -
          The individual obstacles are followed after the H.G.T.  The aim of the individual obstacles is to show the candidates stamina level, their endurance, their boldness, their courage and several factors.

     There are several obstacles with different difficulty level allocated with each marks.  The number painted near the obstacles denotes the marks allocated for the obstacles.
     The total number of obstacles is 10 and the time limit to cross those obstacles is 3 minutes.  The total marks are 55.
                                             i.e. 1+2+3456+7+8+9+10 = 55.
The obstacle with highest level of difficulty scores the maximum of 10.  Also the obstacle with lowest level of difficulty scores the minimum of 1.

Explanation by G.T.O and scenario of Individual Obstacles:-
     In this G.T.O take his group of candidates to all the obstacles and tell the rules to follow in every one.  By this time the candidate should think from his mind i.e. which task should be done first to last based on their location and their difficulty level.

Also don’t violate the rules in the individual obstacles, in case if you violate just repeat the tasks.
Then the candidates are advised to sit in a bench and not to see the individual obstacle ground. 

Rules at Individual Obstacles:-
     The G.T.O calls the first candidate (based on chest numbers) and orders him to ready for the task.  If he blows the whistle the first candidate will start to do the task.  At his 2.30 minute out of his 3 minutes, he gives another short whistle which is the sign for the candidate who is doing obstacle as time is going to end and also to the next person to come and stand ready for the task.   
If you complete all the ten obstacles with in the time (3 minutes), you are allowed to re do the process.  But you are not allowed to repeat the same tasks again and again.

Different types of Obstacles:-
a)      Commando walk        
b)      Double ditch jump
c)      Tarzan swing
d)      Balanced walk
e)      Jumping over drum winded by thorny wires
f)       Step by Step jump
g)      Jumping over the screen(high jump)
h)      Burma bridge
i)        Hanging the rope after jumping from the ladder
j)        Rope climbing

Commando walk:-
     Commando walk is to walk around a lean wooden block which will be in a height of over 10 feet.  See the picture for clarification.  We have to walk in this by shouting our favorite name or any war cry(based on GTO advice).  Usually the plank of the commando walk shakes when we start to walk over that, if you walk with patience and concentration then we can easily cross the task.

Double Ditch jump:-
Double Ditch jump is about, we have to run fast and hand over the rope tightly so that we should cross the first ditch which is 6 ft long and land in the ground after that we should leave the rope and again cross the ditch by jumping over 4 ft in length.  See the picture for clarification.

Tarzan Swing:-
     The candidate should go to some height (8 to 10 ft) with a help of a ladder.  Then the helpers will give the rope to us and we should swing from the height to the soft ground (sand).  i.e. There is one red line and the candidate should not land his body within that red line while swing from that height.  See the picture for clarification.

Balanced Walk:-
     Balanced walk is nothing but two plans which looks so shined with varnish but with little wooden scrapings for grip.  This looks in a zig zag manner.  The candidate should cross over this without landing his leg in the ground.  See picture for clarification.
Jumping over drum winded by thorny wires:-
     This consists of a red painted horizontal drum which is usually 6 ft in length for boys and 3 ft in length or ladies.  The candidate has to run and jump this drum without touching it.  The surface of the drum is usually covered with thorn like iron structures (But nothing to worry friends).  See the picture for clarification.
Step by Step jump:-
     This is platform of height nearly 8 feet.  The candidate has to climb up to this platform with the help of the ladder and jump to another platform which is in the height of 4 feet.  Then after this he should jump into a soft surface (sand).  See picture for clarification.
Jumping over the screen (high jump):-
     This looks difficult but don’t get tensed please.  This looks like screen over a stand and the candidate has run over the inclined plank and jump over this without touching the screen.  See picture for clarification.
Burma bridge:-
    The Burma bridge and rope climbing is used in various selection process such as police and Para military forces.  This is parallel ropes tied between two iron pillars.  The candidate has to climb up on a iron ladder to reach the top of the bridge.  The best thing is don’t look down while crossing; concentrate well and cross the bridge by holding to the ropes.  See picture for clarification.
Hanging the rope after jumping from the ladder:-
     This is similar to the Tarzan swing but the difference is in Tarzan swing after reaching the platform by climbing the ladder, the helper will give the rope to swing.  But here, we have to climb up in ladder to reach the platform and jump over (3-4 feet’s) to hold the rope then we should climb down.  See the picture for clarification.
Rope climbing:-
    This is the usual and we have to climb up in a thick rope and then get down.  See the picture for more clarification.

Important things in Individual Obstacles:-

a)      Never violate the rules, if this happened please repeat the task immediately.
b)      Never look at the G.T.O while waiting for while doing the tasks.
c)      Have a good physique by doing simple exercises such as running, pull ups and push ups.  If you do all these then you will perform well in individual tasks.
d)      Don’t show fear in your face or hesitation to do any tasks. Dare to do, you are a soldier keep that in mind.

6. Command Task. (C.T):-
        Every army officer should be commanding in his order and action.  For this a ground task is conducted called as command task.  Here the candidate is the leader and he should choose two candidates from his group as sub-ordinates.

Rules in Command Task:-
a)      The GTO called the candidates in a random manner only, then he will have a small pep talk.
b)      Then he will take him to the Task area and explain about rules and ask to candidates as which person you are choosing.

What the G.T.O expects from the candidate are
a)      Whether the candidate his good in his command by giving proper ideas to solve the problem.
b)      Whether he is extracting the work well from his sub-ordinates.
c)      While choosing the sub-ordinates, whether the candidate is choosing the weak member of strong member of the group. (i.e. he finds, that the candidate has the ability to analyze about the group)
d)      Whether the candidate finds out multiple solutions for the task.
e)      Whether he is speedy in his decisions and ideas.
f)        Whether he is having any hesitations in executing his plan after deciding it already.

Important points for Command Task:-
     Look to G.T.O instructions carefully.  This is important one throughout the G.T.O tasks.

Choose the correct person as sub-ordinates, since if you have to cross the obstacle with heavy load means, choose a person in your group who can able to carry the load easily and choose another person who is small i.e. can able to tie , ropes, planks easily.
    Try to avoid asking ideas from the sub-ordinates, since in this scenario you are the leader and commander.
Also if you were in a position of subordinate don’t talk or given ideas to the commander unless the G.T.O tells to do so.

7. Snake Race or Group Obstacle Race:-
       Snake race or Group Obstacle race is held after the command task.  In this the group is given a material called as Snake made up of jute, thick clothes which are usually some what weight.  The length of the snake is 6-8 feet in length.

Rules for holding the Snake:-
     The whole group has to hold the snake through out the Race.  Also there is some exclusion such as while crossing the obstacle, minimum three candidates should hold the snake.

     Also, if the group starts to hold the snake at hip region, then through out the race it should hold the snake at hip region only.  Else if the group starts to hold the snake in their shoulder at their starting means, it should hold it at should till the end of the race only.  (This rule varies from board to board).
    They should never keep the snake down on ground.
    There is also some out of bound areas in the obstacles such as, some region in the obstacle is painted with red color.  While doing the task the candidate should not touch the out of bound region.
Also the group should not move from one obstacle to the another without even a single member of the group.      The group should wait with the snake until all the guys reach the snake to hold.

War Cry:-
     The G.T.O gives a option to the candidates to choose a war cry.  A war cry is nothing but a short inspirational quote used at the time of doing some missionary tasks.


Expectation of the G.T.O from the candidates in Snake Race:-
1.      The candidate should not violate the rule.
2.      He should help his team members.
3.      He should give his hand for the weak to climb the high wall.
4.      He should not worry to make his white clothes to mud.
5.      He should keep his group in front of him rather than putting the self.
6.      He should able to keep an eye over every individual by not violating rules and also the self so that the group moves ahead without any minus marks.

Obstacles in Group Race or Snake Race:-
1.      Spider web
2.      Parallel big size iron pipe painted with white, red alternatively, the candidate has to cross it without touching the red lines and bend his body such that making the letter ‘S’.
3.      10 feet wall.
4.      Crossing parallel walls – In between these walls, a pipe is laid to cross.
See the pictures for more clarification.

7.      Individual Lectures or Extempore:-
     In Army life, the army officer should lead his men and materials with good lectures.  Since speaking is an art so that great people in history such as Adolf Hitler, John F Kenney ruled their region successfully.  The lecture given the officer in service should give confidence to the team members, so that the team members should get confidence by heart to follow his leader or officer.  So it is also an important task at the G.T.O.

The duration, in which the candidate has to talk, is 3 minutes. 

Expectation from G.T.O in lecture:-
          In this lecture the G.T.O notices about the candidate clarity of thought, power of expression, depth of knowledge, confidence level.

Rules of the Lecture:-

·        The students are ordered to sit in a semi circle. The G.T.O will sit behind the candidates.(i.e. behind the semi circle arch)
·        Then the G.T.O will place a group of cards in front of the candidates.
·        The students are ordered to take one card from that bunch and given three minutes to prepare about the topic.
·        The choices of topic in the card are three.(one is toughest, next one is normal and the third one is easiest)
·        While the first chest number (in ascending order) the next one is given time to prepare for his topic. (He has chosen his card and topic)
·        At the end of 2.30 minutes out of 3 minutes the G.T.O will give a warning bell so that the candidate who is speaking should sum up his points. 
·        Also that bell is also intimation to the preparing candidate to prepare well since time is less.

Things to note down while extempore:-
     The important thing to note down while giving lecture is body language and how we are giving our topic to the audience.

Body Language:-

Tie your hand behind you.  Since this helps us to avoid mannerisms through hand.

See all the audience i.e. team members and don’t look to the G.T.O.
Keep little smile and don’t make it as a fake one.  Else better give the lecture normally.
Don’t shake the legs while speaking also don’t stand in stiff manner.  Keep yourself ease and cool.
See this picture for clarification

How to choose the topic for Lecture:-
     There will be three topic in that lecture card.  One will be of more tough, the other will be common one and the third will of very easy one.  It is not a matter to choose which type and all.  But if you choose a topic you should be able to sum up your points within those three minutes of time.

Giving of Lecture:-
        The time given is of three minutes, let we divide the time first.

Initiation of the topic – First 30 seconds.
Getting into the topic (Giving pros and cons of the topic) – 30 seconds to 2.30 minutes.
Conclusion of the topic (Summing up all the points) – last 30 seconds.

Preparation for Individual lecture:-
     No extra preparation is needed for lecture, instead if you prepare for the G.D as I stated earlier in the starting of this page. Only one special thing choose any topic and try to get valuable points with pros and cons in a short period of time (3 minutes)

Also stand before the mirror and start to speak to avoid stammering while speaking.

Lecturette topics:-

Click here for the topics to prepare for Individual Lecture.

9. Final Group Task (F.G.T):-
     This is the last task at the S.S.B.  Already before this task the G.T.O will down and choose the candidate based on performance in their previous tasks.  So it is also a last chance for the candidates to show up their qualities.  Even some candidates may get a few chances to prove in P.G.T.  So those candidates should use this to prove their leadership qualities.

It is also a P.G.T, but in P.G.T. the group has to cross four obstacles.  Here in the F.G.T we have to cross only one.  So all should be fast in their decisions to work out their plans.
Others rules such as rules for helping materials, out of bound area are same as P.G.T and H.G.T. 
Since this type of tasks are known to us by working with P.G.T and H.G.T.  Each candidate should give more ideas in executing the task.  Also there should be good team coordination between them as you people are working for two days.  These are the expectation of G.T.O in F.G.T.
Others things are same as P.G.T and it is given below as same as above  :-

Example Scenario about F.G.T.:-
     The obstacles are painted in three colors namely
·        White
·        Black
·        Red
Each one describes one rule.                            

White: - Both the candidate and the helping materials can touch the obstacle at this region.
Black: - Only the candidate can touch the obstacle in this region and not the helping materials.
Red   : - Both the candidate and helping material should not touch the obstacles.

Out of bound area:-
     The areas in the F.G.T which should not be touched are called as out of bound areas.  These areas include the mud surfaces inside the task area and some color codes as described above.

Usage of helping materials and its usage:-  
          The helping materials given are wooden plank(6 feet length), balli (wooden log), and rope.  Along with this they will give a load to carry from one end to another end.  With these helping materials we implement several techniques such as cantilever, fulcrum etc to cross over the obstacles along with the group.  See this and get the idea about fulcrum, cantilever and F.G.T structures.    

Things to follow at F.G.T:-
l)        Never look at the G.T.O while doing the tasks.
m)    Be yourself as I stated earlier in the G.D itself.
n)      Give a good idea to the group if you don’t know any idea just help the idea givers truthfully.
o)      Never violate the rules it is the basic of G.T.O tasks, and in case if you violate the rule, just repeat the task.  
p)      Be an active participant in the team by giving your full cooperation. 
q)      Be positive in your views i.e. take consideration about other members ideas if it is finer than yours. 
NOTE: - The sequence of tasks may vary from board to board to only I didn’t noticed anything about the sequence.  In Bangalore board all the tasks are executed on the same day itself while in Allahabad board it is executed in two days.  So be prepared for all gentlemen.
These are about G.T.O tasks.


  1. Thank you, Vignesh! Excellent blog; very informative! Hey, you've mentioned many obstacles (a - j). Is doing all of them compulsory? Is there any exception made for lady candidates? If so, what are they? Could be please throw some light on these areas?

  2. Its not compulsory to do all the obstacles, but if you do all it shows your stamina, physical endurance and courage. So try to do all.
    No exception made for lady candidates, only thing is, there will be some relaxation in height and length of the obstacle. Such as, for boys they have to cross a drum of six feet lenght, but for girls its length is only three feet.

  3. Thank you! I dunno where to practise these obstacles..... Do they show a demo of how we're supposed to do the obstacles on the day of test?

  4. We can practice these obstacles, but one of my idea or option to practice these obstaaces are
    --> Go to police training ground in your native where you can find some of these obstalces if you want to practice then practice with those.

    --> Also if you are fit enough with no fearness then these obstacles are nothing to worry. They are easy only.

    --> Before the tests, they dont show you any demo, but the GTO explain clearly about rules to follow for each obstacles.

  5. I tried that. They have obstacles for recruits (of a much higher difficulty level). Same is the story in the army centre here. I can only draw solace from the fact that you said these obstacles are easy & it's not compulsory to do all.
    Thanks a lot! This blog has really helped me understand SSB. Hoping to clear!!

  6. Ya thank you friend. Hope you will clear. Wish you all the best. Thank you

  7. Thank you gentleman. Its really a helpfull blog.

  8. really that'll hlp me out.
    thnx 4more infrmatn & instrctns..

  9. Really this blog gave me good picture what happens at SSB interview... Thank you vignesh.... and i appreciate this.

  10. can u tell me how can we practice gto task especially d pgt hgt ict n fgt

  11. hi vignesh how r u?? how can i get practice material for eeb?? plz help me?gagan

  12. hi,
    dis is the first time i come across such a worthful information about ssb..loads of thanks n wit u feedbak i look forward to clear the interview n thereaftr share my own experienc too fo d aspirin candidates..:)

    n i wonder how cme ur designation is s/w engg. instead f an officer o so. ??

  13. @jin, :):)ha ha. welcome jin. My hearty wishes to you to clear the interview and write your own experience. All the best friend.

  14. @raman Prasher
    most welcome Sir.......

  15. hi! vignesh i got some excellent and important tips from you and your experience regarding ssb...could u please tell me a solution of gpe in blck and white..i will be ever grateful to u...

  16. @Aminur, sorry friend, solution for gpe in black and white means how?

  17. Hello vignesh sir.... sir having prepared this much why were you not selected??? You have amazing knowledge abt SSB!! wat is the reason...may be i can also get the answer for myself not getting recommended.....


  19. vignesh sir ji tusi gr8 ho..u r helping me like anythng and evryhthng..thankuuuuu soooo much!!

  20. i mean wow.....!!!! That is the most organised blog i have ever seen....this is really great and highly informative....i feel like a soldier already...!!!

  21. Roshin:
    thanks a lot vignesh.thanks for your valuable information.
    i wonder how did you come to know about all these?
    still i have a fear about how my ssb would be..
    please pray for me..
    i'll be in touch with you my friend..

  22. @Roshin and all my friends. welcome and thank you

  23. hi...vignesh..thanks a lot for all this material..
    how i can improve my GD skills, lacturate and GPE....
    this is rahul..

  24. From VIGNESH
    thanks a lot vignesh ..this blog helping me a lot in understanding abt ssb.but i have a query on physical fitness wat is the tolrence limit for weight and height.

  25. Hey,
    Thanks a lot for so much information. I have to appear in two SSB Interviews. Your information will be helpful.
    Thanks again

  26. hey,thanks vigi ..i have been conference out ...tell me hw not not be impulsive in front of interviewer..cos wat i realised tat last tym i was a bit impulsive....

  27. Well, thats a great information brother....nice work...and i got a question,
    -Is their any weight tolerance given during the time of selection....if so how much...?

    Hope i expect answer from you soon...

    Thank you one's again brother.

  28. @senseihari, Yes there is certain limit in army such as, for this much height the weight should be this much like that, though 10% (+) or (-) more or less is permissible.
    See this link, to get full idea about this. All the best

  29. Hi i have acne on my shoulders, now it got cleared but still the marks(scars) can be seen. I am appearing NCC Entry for Army on Dec 17th, kindly revert to this also my mail ASAP regarding this medicals..


  30. Ok, this time i will follow these points in my upcoming interview on 20 Jan and this thime result will +.

  31. i got a lot of help from your blog thanks vighnesh..........

  32. sir i have to go for ssb through technical entry. i use glasses of -0.25D and -0.5D. would that affect my selection in SSB..??

  33. i hav secondry interview on 28/2/12 and primary on 31/3/12 which one should i attend plz help me

  34. How they are Shortlisted Our form before SSB Interview?
    Can you please tell me?



    god bless you. :)

  37. sir is there any sample M.P.E

  38. Really Really a very good efforts about ssb.....thank you sir.. my ssb date is 29 of march 2012. and if i(ANKIT KUMAR) got selected then i again reply you with a great thanks from the bottom of my heart..god bless you...

  39. M not able to get the pics of the obstacles mentioned here..

  40. can please send me grouping planning exercise example for practice .. to my ID

  41. sir my friend has prepared alot but no result.. studied hard, practiced alot... no response wht might be the cause

  42. is it neccessary to speak in english while having group discussion task

  43. hi vignesh...
    this information is really helpful.. thanks:)
    i wanted to ask that how much weightage is given to physical tasks to be recommended for the medical tests??

  44. i want to know that how many candidates are recommended for final selection???

    1. we cant tell that anu, it depends on every batch :)

  45. hey can you suggest some books for the ssb preparation

    1. lot of books are mentioned at the side of the blog, you can buy that cheeper with discounts brother.

  46. t was really informative... n i ve got recommended... sscw(T)-10.... thanks a lot vignesh... i jus reffered ly tis blog fa ma preparation....

    1. Wow :), thank you jenifer.. All the best for your career :).

  47. very informative..thanks bro...:)

  48. Nice Blog For a fresher,,,,,:)

  49. Very informative sir, Bt after the training, what type of responsibilities are given to us? I mean What is the job description. Please reply...

  50. What is the procedure behind the selection of candidates as commissioned officer in meterological branch course 2014 for women.

  51. I am going to attend ssb at bhopal on 13 may, my height is 6 feet but my weight is 59 kg, will it be a serious issue or will it be a obstacle for me to success ?

  52. Really awesome blog.. thanx vignesh... it is really very helpful... thanx a lot for all these info...

  53. hi vignesh can i have any video source of PGT,HGT,FGT (other than you tube)

  54. Even I have written a similar post on SSB. Do give it a thorough reading.


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